Salı günü birkaç saatliğine geçici olarak durdurulan Mogadishu ve Baidoa arasındaki yolcu uçuşları, @ArlaadiMnetwork ile konuşan kaynaklara göre artık yeniden başladı. Her iki taraf da bu konuda sessiz kaldığı için askıya alınmanın nedeni henüz açıklanmadı.
4 ay önce @Bundeskanzler Scholz, Almanya ile Kenya arasındaki yeni göç anlaşmasını "Çok önemli bir anlaşma" olarak tanımlıyor. Nitelikli işçiler veya potansiyel stajyerler Almanya'ya daha kolay gelebilmeli ve ikamet hakkı olmayan Kenyalılar için geri dönüş basitleştirilmeli
4 ay önce Almanya ve Kenya arasındaki göç anlaşması her iki ülke için de "kazan-kazan durumu" diyor Kenya Devlet Başkanı William Samoei Ruto. Anlaşmanın amacı Kenya'dan vasıflı işçilerin işe alınmasını teşvik etmek ve reddedilen sığınmacıların geri gönderilmesini kolaylaştırmaktır
Mogadişu'da havan topu saldırısı haberleri
Kenya'daki yatılı okulda çıkan yangında en az 17 öğrencinin öldüğünü, çok sayıda öğrencinin de yaralandığını polis bildirdi
4 ay önce Somali, Afrika Birliği Komisyonu (AUC) başkanlığı için Kenya adayı olan Raila Odinga'ya desteğini, Somali Devlet Başkanı Hasan Şeyh Mahmud ile Kenya Devlet Başkanı William Ruto arasında Çin'in Pekin kentinde gerçekleşen bir toplantıda teyit etti. Bu destek, Çin-Afrika zirvesindeki daha geniş kapsamlı tartışmaların ve diplomatik angajmanların bir parçasıydı ve Şubat 2025'te yapılması planlanan AUC seçimleri öncesinde Odinga'nın adaylığına bölgesel desteğin altını çiziyordu
Orta Shabelle ve Galgadud bölgelerindeki Ruun-Nirgood ve El-Dheer bölgelerinde El Şebab'a yönelik hava saldırıları düzenlendiği bildirildi - devlet medyası
Kenya Sağlık Bakanlığı ülkede ikinci maymun çiçeği vakasının görüldüğünü duyurdu
At least six people were killed after a suicide car bomb targeted a security checkpoint at K-13, outside Mogadishu. One of the six killed was a soldier who blocked the suicide car with his vehicle to prevent it from moving into a security camp
Somalia tech leaves 5 dead: Reports of suspected suicide car bombing at a security checkpoint at K-13, on the Mogadishu-Afgoye highway.At least five people were killed, 14 others were injured in the attack, per souvenir
5 ay önce Details are emerging of a deadly roadside explosion in Sariitow village area near Awdiinle town, west of Baidoa, Somalia, Friday. At least 12 people were killed, nine others injured after roadside explosion hit a pickup truck used by security forces
Puntland has executed 10 convicted Al-Shabaab members in Gaalkacyo. This comes just days after a group of Al-Shabaab militants escaped from a local prison, with some later recaptured by security forces
Three Al-Shabaab Militants Defect to Government Side in Hiiraan
Several protesters arrested in Nairobi streets
5 ay önce Protesters voices rising in song as they lament the failures of the current leadership. Their chants echo a deep sense of frustration with the present administration, highlighting the issues they believe have been neglected or mishandled
Death toll from Mogadishu beach al-Shabaab attacks rises to 37, at least 64 are injured, 11 of them in intensive care unit
5 ay önce A roadside explosion hits a civilian minibus travelling between Balad and Jowhar; five civilians were reported dead, three injured including the driver - source. The incident occurred in the vicinity of Raaxoi village, north of Balad, Saturday
Somali Police: An attack by gunmen on a beach in Mogadishu kills at least 32 people and wounds 63 others
Somalia: seven dead in Friday attack on Mogadishu beach
Suspected al-Shabaab attack in Mogadishu’s Lido beach area. Residents said they have heard an explosion in the vicinity of Lido Beach, followed by gunfire. The militant group conducted complex attacks in the same area multiple times over the past few years
Explosions and heavy gunfire near hotel in Mogadishu, video shows at least 18 bodies on the beach
5 ay önce About 1 hour ago, a suicide bomber blew himself up in a hotel on Lido beach in Mogadishu. Several casualties were reported
6 ay önce Kenya’s President William Ruto, who has replaced members of his cabinet amid mass youth protests demanding his resignation, is due to make an address to the nation at 1 p.m. local time (1000 GMT), his spokesperson said on Wednesday
6 ay önce Somali government displayed bodies of score al-Shabab militants and weapons seized during their attempt to overrun three army bases in the Lower Jubba region on Monday. The government reported that over 80 al-Shabab fighters were killed in the foiled attack
6 ay önce One of al-Shabaab’s suicide vehicles fell into a trench near a military base outside Mido village, early Monday. Security forces later blew it up in a controlled detonation.
6 ay önce Kenyan President @WilliamsRuto makes tough speech on protests. He said: "Enough is enough" and protests "must cease", will not be allowed to continue.His said his concessions to the protest movements have been misinterpreted as weakness.A serious escalation looms
Somalia’s anti-money laundering committee has issued a new sanctions list targeting 8 al-Shabaab commanders. Top of the list is deputy emirs Abukar Ali Adan and Mahad Karate; three security commanders including head of amniyat Maktab Yusuf Ahmed Nunow Gesacadde, regional security chief Abdikarim Osman Jilaow (Mustaf Caato) and Mudug jabhat commander Nur Abdi Roble Nuunuule.Agencies have been instructed to freeze their assess; individuals were told to avoid dealing with them, and report any transactions involving them to the financial reporting center.The other individuals targeted in the list are Mohamed Mire (regions), Hassan Yaqub (Shura), and Bakar Bashe Adan aka Sharif (zakawat)
6 ay önce Nairobi'de deprem sarsıntısı hissedildi
Earthquake of magnitude 4.6 - 15 km NNW of Magadi, Kenya
6 ay önce 3 of the arrested protestors in Eldoret have been released